


晓宝 更新


yesterday was Tamura-san birthday..


and today is just another normal working day. However, Minasho was feeling not so well today so he stayed in the blue mountain. While, the rest of us continued our work for each tutor and also the creative village site study group work..


Lunch with Tamura-san and Yamada-san at a nearby ramen shop.

And our new friend as well, Esther from London Academy School of art. She is going to have her one month internship at KMS...


This week my tutor is Peter-san. He is kind and friendly..He first asked me what I have learnt and studied when I was in the university. I told him about the university curriculum structrure, anything that I know about architecture, design....While, he commented that 我的思路很零碎,不清晰...

So, he gave me a small task, like a homework, design a simple rectangular 3 storey office building. From the simplest space arrangement to the form massing, facade design.. Maximise the space usage efficiency as well. Arigato Gozaimasu Peter-san!



We had our dinner at K11 购物艺术中心. The food was so so...and of cause it was expensive due to the location. But this time, only 3 of us went to see the architectural design of the shopping complexes: K11, Reel and 静安嘉里中心.. This is because Minasho didnt pick up our call, so we supposed that he was sleeping or taking a shower.. and 琼仪 need to prepare for the tomorrow's outstation to Nanjing. 



another 10 days to go. i wish the time slows down..i will miss you all very much..